Lead Generation

Finding the right prospects, and cutting your
Customer Acquisition costs

Lead Generation - Driving Better Customer Acquisition Processes

Whether it’s paid ads, social posts, channel programs or live events, Lead Generation is all the things you do to bring the right prospects into the funnel. And create quality leads for the Sales team.

But many companies spend a ton of money on Lead Gen, without really knowing how much impact it’s having.

Understanding your Customer Acquisition Cost for each channel is key to knowing what’s working and what’s not. 

Decide which marketing programs to double down on. And which to kill.

Cut your Customer Acquisition Cost by 20%

Don’t believe the old quote “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half.” That’s really not an excuse any more 😏.

We can measure how much you’re investing in each channel, and how effective that channel is in driving new business. And then you can refocus your marketing resources in the places that deliver results. 

Bringing in better quality leads – that are more likely to close – at a lower cost.

It’s tough for a CEO to know where to begin. You’re spending some money on facebook ads; attending a couple of tradeshows; maybe running a webinar or two. You know marketing’s important, but you’re not sure if the investment is paying off.

👉 The Marketing Insights Analysis

That’s why I offer a FREE analysis to get started. This isn’t a cookie cutter template. I spend around ten hours creating a customized report on your business, that shows you the opportunities to do better; and detailing which initiatives to cut.

  • I interview your key sales and marketing players, 1on1
  • I take time to understand your market and your strategy
  • I review your website, social media presence, and top-level messaging

Then I send you a report showing what’s working and what’s not.

Why do I do this?

Because it’s tough to know if a marketing consultant can really move the needle for you. Plus, I only like to work with companies who I think can use my help. 

So the best way for us to see if we should work together is…well…working together. At my cost.

Want to get started?

The first step is to set up a 45 minute initial consultation.

We get to know each other. I walk you through how the Marketing Insights Analysis works. And – if we decide we want to work together – we agree on a timeline to create this free analysis (usually 2-3 weeks)

Headshot of Alan Stewart-Brown- VP of Sales at Opengear

“Steve contributed to a prolonged period of high YoY growth and his marketing strategy and leadership took what started out as a little unknown technology company with a great product, to the point where Opengear was recognised as the global market leader. His ideas and campaign execution expertise transformed Opengear into a ‘thought leadership’ position”