Thoughts on Marketing
Working with Creatives

Creativity is at the core of Marketing. And working with creative folks is one of the most rewarding parts of the job. But whether you’re working with an in-house team or freelance talent, success is often built on the strength of the Creative Brief.
So what should the creative brief cover?
Plus – did you made it past Quitters Day?!
Productivity Hacks for a New Year

At the start of a new year, many of us set an intention to be ‘more productive’ this year (whatever that may mean!)
There are a ton of articles and books about productivity. I’ve read (and forgotten!) quite a few of them. So here are a few that I think are worthwhile, if you do want to get a bit more disciplined this year:
Consumer vs Business Emails

Some companies get upset when their email lists are full of gmail accounts. Others know that their particular audience might have a legitimate reason to use something other than their business email.
I’ve noticed my cybersecurity clients have a tendency to expect more gmail and protonmail accounts than more traditional B2B companies.
So how do you decide if they are spam, or valid customers?
Holiday Gifts that Get noticed

How many corporate gifts have you received that you actually remember. And do you remember who sent them to you?
If you’re spending time and money to send a thank you to your customers, make sure the gesture sticks!
Perplexity – My new AI assistant

If you’re still using ChatGPT as your ‘go-to’ AI assistant, it might be time to take a look around.
Perplexity – at least as a search engine – is far superior to ChatGPT. And it’s pretty handy at some other writing/editing tasks too.
Plus, I talk to Kris Ruudegraap, CEO of Sendoso, about his Founder journey.
The Social Media Albatross

Social media isn’t a natural skill for many CEOs for Founders. Yet for many of them – at least in the early stages – it’s a necessary part of the growth model.
So if you really don’t want to be spending your time crafting the perfect social media post, what’s the alternative?
Plus, some thoughts on the ever-expanding landscape of non-alcoholic beers.
The ROI of Events (Part 2)

Why are you attending a particular event? Who are the audiences you’re there to see? It’s too easy to sign up to a tradeshow because ‘everyone else will be there,’ or ‘we’ve always done it.’
But if someone asked you “how do we drive value from this event,” would you have an answer (that doesn’t include the phrase ‘number of leads’)?
Plus – a visit to Great Jones Distilling in Manhattan,
How do you get value from a tradeshow?

Tradeshows are a significant investment. Often 30% of your total marketing budget, not to mention the time spent at the show.
So how do you make sure you don’t get lost in the noise?
Plus, I talk with Greg Brooks, CMO of SearchTides about the impact of AI on search.
The Right Tool for the Right Job

Do you know why you’re investing in a particular marketing tactic?
It may not be metric-driven. You may be doing something for awareness, or credibility. But whatever it is, you need to know why.
Plus I ask ChatGPT to mix up a mobster cocktail!
Getting Started with AI

Are we ready to take advantage of AI in Marketing yet?
I walk through the options that marketers should consider as they start to look into AI. Which model? How does it work?
And share some use cases to get started.