Thoughts on Marketing

Are Your Case Studies Believable?

One of the speakers at Propelify was sharing his vision for the future of AI. He had a pretty interesting viewpoint on how AI will evolve for graphic designers and artists (too long to explain here). Then he showed the product he’d developed… which was when he lost me…

Also this week – tips for writing a killer case study.

Pumpkin Spice Attribution

I’m sure Starbucks have a large data team to track how their pumpkin ads and PR placements are driving in-store sales

But it’s not that easy for B2B marketers. Especially when you have a multi-tier distribution network, and a complex sales model.

So what do you do, as a growing business with limited resources?

Getting to Grips with AI

AI treatment of a profile photo taken in a coffee shop

I’ve been thinking about how AI is likely to affect the day-to-day of how we get stuff done in marketing.

For most of us, the real value of AI tools is going to be the apps layered on top of it. And to illustrate that, let me tell you about my podcasting process…

Plus, more thoughts on Attribution.

Old Shoes and Influencers

Who’s the unknown influencer in your organization? The person who’s pulling the strings – possibly without even knowing it.

Plus, “From Google Ads to Attribution”

When to Fire Your Agency

Firing an agency is a rite of passage in a marketing career.

Sometimes it’s easy (when they’re really bad at what they do); sometimes it’s tough (when they’re nice people); and sometimes it can actually be quite satisfying. Which makes me sound mean, but let me explain…

Also this week “Should LLMs write marketing copy?”